Wednesday, October 2, 2013

AFF Level one

Accelerated Freefall, AFF, is a course that teaches a student how to skydive and is the first step to becoming a certified skydiver. AFF has seven different levels that the student must complete to pass the course. Level one consists of exiting the plane, performing a circle of awareness, performing three practice pulls, performing another circle of awareness, checking a heading, checking attitude, locking on at 6000 feet, pulling at 5500 feet, performing a landing pattern, and landing. Throughout the freefall portion of the jump there are two instructors holding onto the student to keep the student steady and to insure that the parachute is pulled at the correct altitude. When doing a circle of awareness, the student must locate a point on the horizon to make sure that he or she is not spinning; and the second part of the circle of awareness is checking ones altitude. When performing a practice pull, the student practices how he or she would pull the parachute; so that he or she will have no trouble locating the handle when it comes time to pull the parachute. Locking on means that the student locks on to his or her altimeter, so that he or she does not miss the correct pull altitude. On the level one jump, the instructors are mainly worried about the student's body position and his or her altitude awareness. My level one jump went according to this dive flow and was obviously a lot of fun! EVERY SKYDIVE IS AWESOME!!!

Awesome Skydiving video

1 comment:

  1. it looks so great. I like learning about this. & would like to do it. Envious of you.
