Monday, October 7, 2013

AFF Jumps 2-7

Every AFF jump has a very structured set of maneuvers that must be performed, which is called a dive flow. The dive flow for each jump is fairly similar to the level one AFF jump that I described in my last post, so I am going to simply go over the main skills involved in each jump. Every AFF jump the instructors put a lot of emphasis on having a good body position and ATTITUDE AWARENESS!! In the level two AFF jump, the student does practice pulls, 90 degree turns, and forward movement with two instructors holding onto the student the entire time. In the level three jump, the student exits the plane with two instructors; but, once he or she is in the correct body position, the instructors let go. The student must simply stay stable. After the level three jump, the student only jumps with one instructor for the rest AFF. In the level four jump, the instructor lets go of the student after he or she is stable; and then the student does 90 degree turns and forward movement. In the level five jump, the instructor releases the student once stable; and the student performs 360 degree turns and forward movement. In the level six jump, the instructor does not hold onto the student at all; and the student performs a backflip to become unstable and have to regain stability. The student then performs tracking, which is the skill that allows the skydiver to move horizontally relative to the ground. In the level seven and final jump, the student performs a solo diving exit from the plane; and then performs a front flip followed by tracking and 360 degree turns. I thoroughly enjoyed every one of these jumps, but the later jumps where the instructors were not holding onto you were insanely fun especially the level six and seven jumps where you got to perform awesome maneuvers.

Another cool video

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